March 11, 2010

Comparison: Neuroscience and Art Therapy- Perspectives

As a PhD student in FSU's Art Therapy program/ Art Education program, I was required to take a diagnostic exam at the beginning of this semester. One aspect of the exam required me to compare and contrast two authors. Due to my interest in Neuroscience and Art Therapy, I selected two authors who write on this topic. Below is a brief description of the paper and a link to a google doc version. Please excuse the formatting on the google doc.


Comparative Analysis

The purpose of this essay is to compare and contrast two writers from the field of art therapy. Those two writers are, Noah Hass-Cohen and Vija Lusebrink. Drawing from their recent works related to the topic of neuroscientific perspectives in art therapy, this writer will explore how each of the author's published literature presents current findings on brain functioning. Additionally, their works each exemplify a distinct view point on both art therapy and neuroscience findings which will be reviewed throughout this analysis.

Comparing and contrasting the two art therapy writers, Noah Hass-Cohen and Vija Lusebrink makes apparent ways in which findings from fields such as neuroscience can be applied in a clinical context to the field of art therapy. Such application can facilitate a process of hypothesis formation in regards to what is being stimulated or changed within a client as a result of therapy. Such hypothesis formation aids in the establishment of therapeutic goals and in the documentation of procedures which were associated with effective treatment. Both Noah Hass-Cohen and Vija Lusebrink address brain functioning but at differing levels of processing which parallel distinct approaches within the field of neuroscience. Their differences in view point on art therapy can be noted in their developed methodology.


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